Keep-Safe Posters!

Introducing our beautifully crafted Keep-Safe posters, each offering a gentle reminder of calming techniques and coping mechanisms. More than just décor, they are a blend of aesthetics and functionality, serving as a tangible reminder to practice self-care, and a beacon of resilience on your wall. Perfect for yourself or as a gift to a loved one.

Keep-Safe Poster


One of our Keep-Safe posters features the HALT mental health strategy. It reminds you to assess if you're Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired during the day. If you're experiencing any of these states, the poster prompts you to address it before it escalates. This poster, blending aesthetics and functionality, serves as a constant reminder for self-care and maintaining mental health.

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Keep-Safe Poster


Transform your space with our M.E.L.T.E.D. Poster. More than just decor, this poster instills a routine of wellness. It creatively prompts Mindfulness, Exercise, Laughter, Talking about feelings, Expressing creativity, and maintaining a balanced Diet. Aesthetically pleasing and functional, not just a poster, but a tangible reminder of routine. Add this beautiful piece to your collection and invest in your mental health journey today.

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Keep-Safe Poster


Enhance your environment with our T.H.I.N.K. Poster! More than just an ornament, this poster serves as a guide to mindful communication. It inspires Truthfulness, Helpfulness, Insight, Necessity, and Kindness in your conversations. With an appealing design and practical use, it's more than just a poster, it's a constant reminder of positive communication. Incorporate this stunning item into your space and make a valuable addition to your journey.

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Keep-Safe Poster


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